You are invited to the opening party for our new exhibit at The Hesterly Black, the gallery at the center of the Waterbury Studios creative community above The Phoenix at 7 Stowe Street.
THIS FRIDAY, SEPT 6TH, upstairs above The Phoenix, 5-8PM, FREE.
ERIKA LAWLOR SCHMIDT: KEEPING TIME will be on exhibit through December 20th and will be open for viewing during The Phoenix's open hours, Tuesday-Friday 11am-6pm, Sundays 12-6pm.
We keep-treasure-shepherd-entrust what we deem valuable. Objects and memories, anecdotes and insights are carried along in story boxes for us to pull out, share, remember, reflect on and reassemble into something meaningful, instructive and connective. Awe comes when we begin to see the threads of connection between our own darkness and light, lost-ness and found-ness. Unjust pain, embittering obstacles, and the unforgettable losses of our lives often end up linked beyond explaining with what we might call our deepest selves—the "without which" that grows our empathy, connects us more richly with others and reshapes what we value. "Keeping Time" is an archive of resonant objects, images and imagined worlds—story objects assembled to evoke/revoke, redo/undo, remember/dismember. There are targets unearthed, ladders unclimbed, puzzles unsolved, and these, mysteriously, are what ground us. Sometimes we have to un-know to know, lose to find, empty to fill.
—Joseph Pensak
Mar 8, 2025, 12 PM
Restorative MeltMar 9, 2025, 4 to 5:45 PM
MRB Live Music & Pub Night Featuring Al's Pals!Mar 12, 2025, 5 to 9 PM