Advertiser Testimonials

Hundreds of Vermont businesses advertise on FPF! Here's why:

"Advertising on FPF has a significant return on investment."
• A local CPA

"I have never received more responses from an ad like this. My inbox was overflowing with really great candidates. I was blown away by the number of resumes I ended up with. Thanks so much!!"
Adam Fasoli, Middlebury Dental Group

"I heard from several people that they saw and liked the ad, and I’ve had an uptick in calls since they started running, so it seems like it has had a good effect. I plan to continue running ads in FPF; I think it’s a great way to reach people, and I really like the option of the longer ad with the color logo. I think you do a good job not overdoing it with the balance of ads to neighbors’ submissions in the newsletters; people might stop paying attention to them if there are too many in any given newsletter."
Dr. Erika S. Bruner, Heart of Vermont Vet

"The concerts were such a success thanks to FPF! 57% of our audience came from the FPF ad campaign."
Peter Espenshade, Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival

"I know you probably hear this a lot, but we have by far the most success advertising on FPF."
• Sam, The Local Beer and Wine Shop

"The sales pinnable to FPF more than covered the advertising cost. And they appear to be growing families who will re-order as their family continues to grow."
• Marge Dethloff, Specialties in Wool

"Our campaigns always perform exceedingly well with FPF, and they have become one of our most effective forms of paid outreach to Vermonters."
• Elijah Kushen, VPIRG

"We are so pleased with the results we are seeing from our advertising campaign on Front Porch Forum. We can track the number of survey takers directly attributable to when we started advertising with you."
• Meg Smith, Vermont Women's Fund

"Our employment ads on FPF resulted in some great applicants and traffic to our webpage."
• Katie DeWitt, Basin Harbor

"Our FPF ad campaign did well and we've seen more than a dozen applicants which so far has led to 7 hires. This was a good move on our part and one we may look to do again in the future."
• Kimberly Steinfeld, Skirack

"What an amazing response we have had this past week!!!"
• Kevin Holmes, kwVERMONT

"The results were impressive. We were soooo busy, we even ran out of socks! We asked people where they heard about the sale and a lot of people said FPF."
• Linda Cook, Linda's Apparel

"It was quick and easy doing business with Front Porch Forum and we are very pleased with the results of our advertisement. We will certainly use FPF again in the future for our next campaign!"
• Zachariah Watson, Central Vermont Habitat for Humanity

"My first Front Porch Forum ad campaign for Land Clearing and Forestry Mulching went very well and led to a bunch of estimates. I am starting on the first job from the ads tomorrow. I will definitely be advertising again soon."
• Paul M. Bernheisel, Greentek LLC

"I am happy to report that BOTH positions are filled. I am also happy to report that 75% of our applicants said they saw the ad on FPF, so we will DEFINITELY be advertising with you folks again!"
• Bonnie Collins, Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care

"Front Porch Forum feels like the quintessential Vermont social media. It’s truly rooted in the community and provides the perfect platform for reaching Vermonters in an engaging and meaningful way. We continue to invest in FPF outreach because we’ve seen it work, time and time again. We can’t recommend it highly enough."
• Shane Rogers, Farm to Plate

"We had about 125 unique requests for information about the study last week, as compared to 25 the week before. Our FPF campaigns usually generate a significant amount of interest, but this was outstanding!"
• Kassandra Cousineau, UVM Dept. of Psychological Science

"Advertising on Front Porch Forum worked out really well and was well worth the investment. I've had at least 10 people contact me as potential clients, and the phone calls keep coming in. Thank you so much! I'm very excited by how much this is boosting my practice!"
• Katherine Jordan, Talam Counseling and Healing Arts

"We received about a dozen or so applicants so it was helpful and useful! Thank you!"
• Linda Mahns, Farmers To You

"Front Porch Forum is the best advertising dollars I have spent in a long time. And the money goes to a great organization! Just imagine how many cats are home safe and sound because of FPF."
• Greg Ranallo, Teacher's Tree Service

"This was our first year and I can say without a doubt, our success was very much because of the advertising we did with FPF."
• Public Outreach Committee Chair, Vermont JumpStart Coalition

"Geez, I have 18 estimates and 6 confirmed jobs. Great results, thank you!"
• Duffy Gardner, Duffy Gardner Masonry

"After just one week, 827 people out of 1,139 respondents indicated "Front Porch Forum" as how they heard about our survey. We are very impressed with the reach and number of responses!"
• Tracey Harrington Delphia, Vermont Certified Public Manager Program

"FPF has been our most cited campaign, above Facebook, so it seems like a worthwhile investment."
• Kassandra Cousineau, UVM Research Project Coordinator

"I had a great response and have been very busy putting bids together. I'm satisfied with my choice. My web traffic was on average double what it had been."
• Nate Ebert, Foxfire Tree Care

"Our FPF ad campaign was a smashing success! The second the ad went out the phone was ringing. Perfect timing with the chill in the air. I’ve nearly filled my schedule for the remainder of the year!"
• Nick Shepard, Neat Sweep Chimney Services LLC

"We received a number of inquiries and are still wading through them. I would definitely say it was the best response to anything we have done prior. Thank you!"
• James Donahue, The Inn at Round Barn Farm

"Our FPF ad campaign went awesome! We exceeded our sample size, thanks to FPF! The response was overwhelming."
• Carrie Plunkett, HMC Advertising

"There were close to 1,500 survey responses over the weekend. We are thrilled -- and the survey is still open for another week!"
• Paula Bazluke, HMC Advertising

"The Vermont Sampler package was so helpful in sharing Vermont’s statewide Free Ice Fishing Day and the corresponding Ice Fishing Festival at Lake Elmore. For only $750, we touched every FPF community throughout the state and received generous bonus impressions to boot. Being able to tailor our messaging by proximity to the festival helped us reach folks with information most helpful to them. With help from FPF, we had the best Free Ice Fishing Day ever!"
• Megan Duni, Vermont Fish & Wildlife Dept

"Placing Paid Ads on Front Porch Forum has been by far the best source to drum up business! Better than, Google, Yelp, Yellow Pages in print and online and a 16,000-piece mailer. Will be in touch soon about more ads!"
• Alisa Anderson, Three Mountain Roofing

"Our workshop for businesses on tackling food waste is at max 60 registrations & now has a wait list. FPF helped me get there, so thank you!"
• Jessie-Ruth Corkins, Addison County Solid Waste Management District

"As someone who has worked with small business owners for many years, I found myself working across the country but not enough in my own home town. One ad campaign in Front Porch Forum paid off, as I am now engaged in a profitable business relationship with a local entrepreneur."
• Flip Brown, Business Culture Consultants

"It was a very wise decision for me to advertise on Front Porch Forum. It's the first time I feel advertising was well worth the money. I have a very full queue right now."
• Marty Wells, Wells Land Services

"I am humbled beyond words with the calls and work I have booked as a result of advertising with FPF. I am definitely booked up pretty heavy through August at this point. What we are doing is working well for sure."
• Marty Wells, Wells Land Services

"I’m STILL getting inquiries from my last ad. I have a waiting list!! I can’t take on any more clients right now, but anything I can do to get the word out about how successful FPF advertising is, I’m happy to do so! "
• Chelsea Tillinghast, Buddy's Buddies

"We've had 92 email subscribers on the FPF list in just 2 days! I'd say the ad is working so far!"
• Amanda Cashin, Lenny's Shoe & Apparel

"Is there any way you can pause our ads for the moment? We're being overrun. We're up to something like 125 applicants!"
• Dan Cunningham, One Day In July

"For me, the recipe for success is a Front Porch Forum ad campaign combined with a targeted FB campaign. My business is growing leaps, and I plan to continue next year."
• Jo MacKenzie, The Watercolor Coach

"FPF has helped me get more than 350 clients in one year."
• Owner, Florauna Lodge Mobile Pet Grooming

"I’ve had a great response already, the calls/emails keep coming in. I’ll be in touch in the future about running more ads. Going to wait until the rush dies down on this one first."
• Emily Coderre, UVM Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

"FPF has definitely been the most effective advertising method I have tried. My phone’s not ringing off the hook, but I have definitely gotten jobs out of it. Super happy with the experience overall. "
• Mac Swan, Mac Swan Tree Care

"Our FPF ad campaign went very well. We got a lot of response and the phone calls are rolling in."
• Deanna Sellars, Hands At Home Care Services

"We had a very good response with our ad this last go-round. Having the link directly to our volunteer page and access to the online screening form really helped, I think! We will definitely be using your services similarly for future studies!"
• Lead Recruiter, UVM Vaccine Testing Center

"Thanks so much for everything. I would like to place some more ads. You guys have been a big boost for my business."
• Kevin Lafaso, Lafaso Building and Remodeling

"I want to say that my Facebook page saw a huge rise in clicks since my FPF ad campaign started one week ago. I am confident I have seen some new inquiries. I am very happy with the activity I am getting, and will keep my advertising dollars with FPF!"
• R.M. Livingston Scott, Century 21 Jack Associates

"Our response has been HUGE! Thank you so much for helping us meet our recruitment goals!"
• Dana Bourne, UVM College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

"Front Porch Forum has given my clients results. We’ve been able to see a bump in interest and response every time we’ve run."
• Nilda Kerr, Kerr Advertising

"The turnout was the best yet. We asked a lot of the attendees as they were leaving where they heard about the show and many said Front Porch Forum. Thanks for you support and sponsorship, it did really help us get the people through the door."
• John Boutin, Made in Vermont Marketplace

"I never intended to own a cell phone repair shop rather I was trying to earn extra money to help fund my other business VT Web Marketing. After a few posts on Front Porch Forum I realized the demand was there so I decided to go for it. I’ve been advertising for over a year with FPF which has helped grow 802 Mobile to one of Vermont’s leading companies for iPhone, iPad, & Android repair services. If it wasn’t for FPF my thriving business would have never existed."
• Ryan Meravi, 802 Mobile

"Yes, there has definitely been a great response! We have lots of folks specifically saying the referral is from FPF. I believe FPF is the smartest route for connecting with the communities we serve, as much of what we do depends on word-of-mouth referral. FPF plays such an important role for connecting our communities -- we are very lucky to have it!"
• Bonnie Schlegel, Northlands Job Corps

"The FPF campaign was a success—per my analysis of the data, FPF was responsible for about 50% of my client's entire web traffic."
• Ken Milliman, Spike Advertising

"The last ad run was so successful that I have been working my way through the business that it generated. I would like hold off for a month before using the remainder of my ads. We'll talk again about a new run after that. Thank you for FPF and the great advertising!"
• Jim Adams, Castle Rock Stone & Design

"I am now booked out over a month! I was going to call you and say STOP!! Amazing results. Still getting calls."
• Jim Adams, Castle Rock Stone & Design

"In the first few days after our initial statewide posting seeking foster parents we had more than 50 inquiries!"
• Lynn M. Bruce, VT Department for Children and Families

"Yes, we're happy with the results. VSC will keep FPF in mind for next year's Vermont Artists Week and any in-state promotions we plan."
• Joe Healy, Vermont Studio Center

"Our FPF ad campaign was very successful. We had 8 applications when we’ve been lucky to get 1 from other advertising efforts. We have hired 2 people from our FPF ad so far and have an offer out to a 3rd person, which will fill the vacancies we were looking to fill."
• A local HR advertiser targeting Rutland & Windsor Counties

"We received about 7 information requests on our website after just one week. There are a couple promising leads for booking events (at the West Monitor Barn) next year. This is an encouraging sign!"
• Dave Meyer, Vermont Youth Conservation Corps

"I’ve spent money on print ads and joined a lot of networking groups, but I have to say that after three weeks of advertising on Front Porch Forum, my business more than doubled. The ads were worth every penny and I'm looking forward to advertising more!"
• Lisa Schermerhorn, certified hypnotherapist

"FPF was one of my better means for getting to a particular cross section of Vermonters."
• Bruce Genereaux, Green Mountain Community Solar

"I will definitely renew our annual advertising contract. I just did a marketing survey and Front Porch Forum was the most popular way people heard about our events and programs!"
• Diana Wood, Burlington Parks, Recreation & Waterfront

"I was very pleased with the response from my ad. I received a phone call from a new potential client and an e-mail from a different new potential client. I've never had that kind of direct result from any of the advertising that I've tried. It was great."
• A local lawyer

"My successful, mostly Montpelier-based, business has been given a tremendous boost by Front Porch Forum… just a few ads, and many recommendations and referrals later, I can say that it works well for many things, in many ways."
• Todd Taska, home repair professional

"Can we stop running the ads now? I'm just going over the latest numbers this morning and WOW! We have received a tremendous response so I think we should stop running now. Let me know when we can turn off the faucet!"
• Dawn Leuschner Consulting Team

"Thanks - great response rate and cost per click! I am also really happy with the distribution of clicks."
• Julia Andrews, J. Andrews Marketing

"We have had a ton of responses coming in each day for our ad that is running this month. I think expanding into Washington County really did the trick. My study is fully enrolled (I even over-enrolled it). I will definitely be in touch about more ads soon!"
• Julie Dumas, UVM Department of Psychiatry

"Many people who came to our annual sock sale said they saw our ad on Front Porch Forum. Some clicked while others just saw the ad and came. You have a good thing going!"
• Gail Wheel, Wheel House Designs

"At the Y, we value the level of interaction and engagement you can have when advertising on Front Porch Forum. It is also hard to match the low cost per click that we have seen through our FPF advertising."
• Doug Bishop, Greater Burlington YMCA

"We are extremely satisfied with the results we’ve gotten advertising with Front Porch Forum. We have found it to be the most effective method for recruiting a difficult population in the community. It has really helped to get our study out of the doldrums!"
• Merelise Ametti, UVM Department of Psychiatry

"We have used FPF to reach beyond our traditional audience on a few occasions and I have been excited that people we’ve never heard from before have started contacting us after our FPF ads started running."
• Phillip Kolling, SerVermont

"FPF has generated more leads for our business within the last year than all of our other marketing efforts combined! We look forward to many more years of partnering with you – THANK YOU!"
• Harmony Wilder, Big Rock Landscaping

"I’m looking forward to working with FPF. I open every single FPF e-newsletter I get and read them (ads and all) from beginning to end every day. In a world of way too many subscription emails, I tend to delete 99% of what is in my inbox. FPF is that one that is the keeper. I believe in the service and am thrilled to be promoting our business with you."
• Lisa Rowell, Thomas Hirchak Company

"FPF was a great resource for our real estate business. We generated quality leads each week from our advertising and also increased our local brand awareness. I would recommend FPF to any Realtor or local business looking for a cost effective source of advertising"
• David Laven, Vermont Realty Team

"Thank you to the community for helping to make the Alzheimer's Association's event The Longest Day a success for team Moving Mountains for a Cure. We climbed 5 High Peaks: Haystack, Basin, Saddlebag, Gothics and Sawteeth on June 21- The Longest Day of the year- to raise funds and awareness for the Alzheimer's Association. Donations from the FPF community helped us reach our goal of raising over $4,000 dollars."
• Jessie Cornell, Vermont Alzheimer's Association

"We keep coming back because advertising on Front Porch Forum seems to work better than any other avenue we've tried so far!'
• Michelle Cunningham, The Doughnut Dilemma

"The Labor Day sale was a huge success! We had people waiting at the door last Wednesday, the first day of the sale, which I can only attribute to our ads starting to run on FPF the Saturday before. Customers were ready & primed to shop, and several mentioned learning about the sale on FPF."
• Meghan Fitzpatrick, Lake Champlain Chocolates

"We’d like to run another $1000 worth of impressions in the same Burlington forums we did before…as you said, the ad was a big hit!"
• Meghan Fitzpatrick, Lake Champlain Chocolates

"The ads have definitely helped our business as we regularly hear from customers that they saw our ad in FPF."
• Sam Jones, Computers for Change

"As a local vegetable farm, nearly all of our customers live or work within several miles of the farm. FPF is our best advertising dollar, as it alone allows us to target specific neighborhoods and communities with the most potential. We only put our resources where our most likely customers are."
• Andy Jones, Intervale Community Farm

"FPF was definitely the best use of our ad dollars."
• Andy Jones, Intervale Community Farm

"I've already gotten four responses and my ads started last night! The ads are great!" ...and later... "I got 4-6 new clients by the end of the week. The ads definitely paid off. Thanks again FPF!"
• Dave Link, DaveLink MacSupport

"Our classes filled in 2 days so that's fantastic. We will definitely advertise again with you when we have another group of classes to offer."
• Christina Braun, Robotics 4 Kids 2

"We appreciate all of your support in our mission & helping us spread the word. Front Porch Forum has played a huge role in our growth!"
• Sara & Ally, Neighborhood Savings Group

"Honestly, we try to refrain from just using FPF as a marketing tool... but virtually all of our business has come from people on the forum!"
• Patti Delaney, Backdoor Bakery

"We book with FPF because we feel it's a great, cost-effective way to reach local consumers who are actively engaged with their communities and looking to support local businesses/organizations."
• Elisa Garcia-Rey, Karen Fahey Advertising

After buying 20,000 impressions spread over 2 weeks that generated 104 unique clicks… "The ad generated 3 solid client leads, not a bad start. 1 in Shelburne, 1 in Center City and 1 in NNE."
• Ethan Thompson, The Urban Homesteader

"Sweet! This is great customer service, you guys. I frequently tell people about the good results I've gotten from FPF, and I will continue to toot your horn enthusiastically."
• Robin Lane, School in Essex

"There are lots of factors that affect turnout, of course, but this year we ran *exactly* the same digital, print and tv campaigns that we have for the last three years. The only new campaign was FPF. The turnout for our Open House event was higher than it has been in years. Coincidence? I think not."
• Robin Lane, School in Essex

"We just conducted a survey, seeking respondents through many local news channels. Our Front Porch Forum campaign outperformed every other link by a huge margin! So huge in fact, that we needed to retool our workflow to manage the high number of FPF-generated responses. Front Porch Forum is amazing! It will always be an integral part of our ongoing community outreach effort."
• Cal Workman, Greater Burlington YMCA

"In the past I have had horrible luck with expensive advertising that simply didn't get the results that I was needing. A very friendly and knowledgeable representative from Front Porch Forum contacted me about advertising options with them. I signed up for a two week ad, and I am still getting calls every day. FPF has been fantastic for business and meeting some great people along the way. I would highly recommend FPF to anyone from young start up companies to well established ones looking for inexpensive and very effective advertising"
• Peta Blake, Blake Tree and Landscape

"Front Porch Forum is one of the best outreach formats we have … well worth the money!"
• Cassandra Brush, Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District

"75% of the attendees at our Open House said they saw it on Front Porch Forum. Goooo FPF!"
• Liz Shayne, The Schoolhouse

"If you rely on word of mouth advertising for your business, FPF can't be beat. By far the best results we've ever seen."
• Peter Carreiro, Rise N' Shine It's the Milkman

"Front Porch Forum ads are a great investment with an immediate payback."
• Aaron Fastman, 1-800-GOT-JUNK?

"Front Porch Forum has proven to be an excellent, cost-effective tool for us to spread the word on the addition of our new resort spa! The targeted delivery process allowed us to focus our message in the neighborhoods surrounding the resort. Thank you FPF!"
• Jim Glanville, The Essex Culinary Resort & Spa

"As a Video Producer for DR Power Equipment, I need to find locations to highlight my company's products. Front Porch Forum makes my job much easier and I get to meet really great folks. Thanks for your help!
• DR Power Equipment

"Front Porch Forum advertising is a great way for our business to reach out to our local community."
• Jackie Decarreau, Woolen Mill Health Club

"COTS found several volunteer painters plus a ton of donated materials as a direct result of Front Porch Forum!"
• Deb Bouton, COTS

"FPF helped increase traffic to my website by 300%."
• Edward Pais, Pais Architects

"After I posted my landscaping ad a week ago on Front Porch Forum in Richmond, I have received more than ten job offers."
• Evan Forward, landscaping contractor

"We received more Valentine's business from our Front Porch Forum ad than from any other media."
• Diana Doll, StrayCat Flower Farm

"Be careful what you wish for... advertising on Front Porch Forum drew such an overwhelming response I had to scramble to keep up with the calls! Thanks FPF; I'll definitely be back for more!"
• Bill Agnew, The Essential Arborist

"Last week I posted a notice on Front Porch Forum about ZoomBikes, a new business I’ve started with a friend selling e-bike kits (to add an electric motor to a bicycle). Thanks for your response!" "In just three days we had more than 300 hits on our website. In case anyone wonders, FPF works!"
• Larry Gilbert, ZoomBikes

"There is no doubt that Front Porch Forum was immensely helpful in making this year’s conference our most successful event ever."
• Charlie Brooks, Vermont Breast Cancer Conference

Advertising Questions?

Our Advertising Specialists Marshall, Brian, Wendy and Paul are ready to assist.

Contact the FPF Advertising Team

For questions about posting to your neighborhood forum visit the FPF Help Center.