Charlotte Energy Committee Sept. Meeting

Past event
Sep 4, 2024, 7 to 9 PM

If you are interested in energy issues in town, including generating solar power (visit our website,, for more information and to participate in Solarize Charlotte '24 and take advance of discounted pricing for new solar arrays), or might be interested in joining our committee, please reach out and/or join us for our next meeting.

Charlotte Energy Committee Meeting
September 4, 2024
7 pm on zoom

Meeting agenda:

1. Approve Aug 14 meeting minutes
2. Project updates:
- Expand solar generation (5 CPGs and Solarize Charlotte)
- Quantify energy use, and recommend conservation and electrification
- Promote "Library of Things"
- Weatherization Project
- Improve opportunities for active transportation
3. Enhanced implementation table
4. Membership
5. AOB

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 1864 7240
Passcode: 543638

One tap mobile
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