The Falls Road Working Group is continuing efforts to improve multimodal transportation on Falls Road, focusing on making walking, biking, and rolling safer and easier. Our first meeting of 2025 was held on January 16, and you can find the meeting minutes at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bDA5OsxbocYOnPBhUspzczbF2BjjjhAd3ltANr63Y5E/edit?usp=sharing.
We're currently exploring the idea of making the crosswalk across Shelburnewood Drive permanent. This would include adding crosswalk ramps and filling sidewalk gaps to create a continuous connection between Shelburne Road and the Shelburne Country Store on the north/east side of Falls Road.
This crosswalk was part of the 2024 Falls Road Pedestrian Safety demonstration project. A community survey conducted last summer and fall about the demonstration received 643 responses, with 81% supporting continued testing of this crosswalk in 2025.
To better understand the potential impacts of making the crosswalk permanent, we're visiting the site on Thursday, February 6, at 8 AM, meeting in front of the Willow House. During the visit, we'll also discuss the Shelburne Country Store crosswalk tested last summer and the new parking arrangement in front of the store.
We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas—please join us!
Feb 11, 2025, 12 to 1:15 PM
Minecraft SocialFeb 13, 2025, 3 PM
Mah-JonggFeb 13, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM