Opening night was a hit! Don't miss this fun and thoughtful drama at the Montpelier Unitarian Church this weekend and next. Friday and Saturday shows at 7:30pm and Sunday matinée at 3:00pm.
Chris Colt, Playwright and Composer:
Chris s a playwright and actor. He also had a major stroke ten years ago. Last year he wrote "NYC: 1849", co-written by Bob Hannon, produced by The Gospel Hollow Players performed in Calais Town Hall. He wrote and produced, in Vermont, "Mad as the Wind and the Sea", "Elgin Mann: The Musical", "Seed Wars", "The Last Ride of Buck Corduroy". He directed and starred in "The Blues Brothers" at the Blue Barn and the Barre Opera House. He was in five productions of the Lost Nation Theater. He worked for many years in NYC as a public-school drama teacher. He came to Vermont with his family in 2008.
Information and tickets:
Cast Photo:
Mar 8, 2025, 12 to 1 PM
Restorative MeltMar 9, 2025, 4 to 5:45 PM
March 12 Panel: Bump Stocks Are Not Machine Guns CaseMar 12, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM