Your Pelvic Floor Matters

Past event
Oct 21, 2023, 12 to 2:30 PM

Saturday October 21st 12:30-2:30pm
Sliding Scale $25 - 40
Blossom Main Studio

Everyone's pelvic floor matters, regardless of what sexual organs you have or were born with. This muscle group impacts breathing, movement, posture, pleasure, core stability, bodily functions and so much more.

We are hardly ever educated about these muscles and usually don't seek advice or help unless there's a problem. Let's change that now.

Your pelvic floor deserves to be understood and given attention, just like other parts of your body. And...the pelvic floor and pelvis can also be a vulnerable part of the body to focus on. Emerge with Amy LePage is a trauma-informed practice. If a workshop isn't a setting that feels safe for you, reach out to schedule an individual session.

You will learn anatomy and function of the pelvic floor as it relates to everyday living and the rest of your body. Then, you will learn simple explorations and exercises that increase awareness and introduce supple coordination of this amazing group of muscles.

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Blossom Wellness Center & Studio, Main Street, Montpelier, VT

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