Free Lift Celebration at the Grange Hall

Past event
Mar 5, 2023, 2 to 5 PM

Mark your calendars! Ribbon-cutting, give-aways, music and dancing!

On Sunday afternoon, March 5, the Grange is holding a celebration for our new wheelchair lift! With this major project, all levels of the Grange Hall: Stage, Main Floor and Lower Level will all be accessible. Free and open to everyone!

Starting at 2:00 PM, the Montpelier Senior Jazz Band will serenade us. Then, we'll have a ceremonial "ribbon-cutting" for the new lift, with remarks by a few dignitaries, including the Lt. Governor. There will be fresh-baked cookies, coffee and tea, and an "Info Fair" with displays and representatives of community organizations. These will include Efficiency Vermont, giving away free "Energy Savings Kits" with LED bulbs and more, the Berlin Historical Society, Cub Scout Pack #777 and many more--see the Grange website Calendar listing for Mar. 5 at

We'll also have a Community Dance from 3:00 to 4:30 in the Main Hall, with live music by the VT Fiddle Orchestra, and calling by well-known caller Luke Donforth. If you want a break from dancing, in the Lower Level, there will be chess and board games, and lots of info tables. You can see the pellet furnace that heats our Grange Hall without fossil fuels!

We hope you will join us to see what goes on in our Grange, and celebrate the Community Grange Hall we maintain and improve for everyone's benefit! For more information, email Grange President Tim Swartz:, or click "Email Author" below.

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Capital City Grange, Vermont 12, Berlin, VT

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