Kids Trade & Play - This Saturday at the Grange!

Past event
Jul 9, 2022, 9:30 to 11:30 AM

Looking for new clothes for the kids? We know that they outgrow clothes bring in the ones that have been outgrown--as long as they are clean, unstained and unripped--and get some bigger ones that are just right for your kids!

Kids Trade & Play--here's how it works:
Saturday morning at the Grange Hall, located at 6612 Rt. 12, Berlin, you can bring your kid(s) to help pick out their own "new" clothes, and drop off the "old" ones for someone else to use, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. We ask for a $3 donation per family--but we never turn anyone away, so don't hesitate! Volunteers will be on hand to check in any donations of clothes, and there will be bins and bins of size-sorted, carefully checked items to trick out the wardrobe of your no-longer-so-little-one.

Please note that the volunteers who keep this wonderful event going are getting a well-deserved break in August, when there will be no Kids Trade & Play--but every other month, we'll be back on the 2nd Saturday of the month with more clothing, shoes, and maybe some toys for your constantly growing kids!

For more information, check out the Facebook page:, or email lead organizer Erin:

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