I-89 2050 Study Virtual Public Meeting: May 10

Past event
May 10, 2022, 6 to 8 PM

For over two years, the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission has been working with VTrans to develop a comprehensive transportation improvement plan for Interstate 89 through Chittenden County.

The Chittenden County I-89 2050 Study (https://envision89.com/) addresses future transportation needs of all users by improving safety, connectivity, and mobility; promoting livable communities; meeting our climate goals; and investing in the regional economy. The study team has worked closely with a broad and diverse group of stakeholders to assess existing conditions, develop a vision and goals based on community needs, evaluate existing and potential future exits, assess a range of transportation demand management/walk/bike/transit and other strategies that could reduce single occupancy vehicle travel and the need for major capital improvements, and solicit input and feedback from the public at each step. Learn more about the project phases and public process here: https://envision89.com/public-process

Please join us on Tuesday, May 10 at 6:00pm for the project's final virtual public meeting via Zoom to learn about the draft multimodal recommendations and share your feedback. More information, including the presentation slides, is available on the project website. We hope to see you there!

Join via Zoom: https://vhb.zoom.us/j/83230377204?pwd=a2RGd1kxWDVQZEs5OGhoTld5NmpOZz09

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