"Wheels for Connor" Family Fun Day Aug. 24

Past event
Aug 24, 2013, 9 AM

Join us at the Shelburne Town Hall Gym for fun for the entire family!
Saturday August 24, 2013 beginning at 9am through noon.
Don't miss out on the fun:
Silent Auction
Bake Sale
T-shirt/Wristband sales
50/50 raffle
Raffle for a recliner from Wendell's Furniture (valued at $299). $5 ticket or 6 for $25.
Bounce house
Kid's Arts and Crafts

Proceeds benefit the "Wheels for Connor" Campaign. To find out more, visit our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/WheelsForConnor

$2/person admission donation, not to exceed $10 per family.
Please stop in and show your support!

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