Free Webinar: Gardening for Ecological Resilience May 20

Past event
May 20, 2021, 6:30 PM

Attention Gardeners! Interested in learning what you can do to improve your soil? You are invited to attend, "Creating a Biodiverse Garden for Ecological Resilience," a free Zoom webinar on May 20, at 6:30 pm. No pre-registration is required.

The presentation will be hosted by *Dr. Wendy Sue Harper -* she will discuss the importance of soil biodiversity and the soil based practices that gardeners can use to enhance and achieve it. This presentation is sponsored by the Northwest Chapter of UVM Extension Master Gardeners.

Dr. Harper is a soil scientist and associate faculty member for Prescott College's online Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems, where she teaches ecological approaches to agriculture, biodiversity conservation and soils. She started teaching with the Vermont Extension Master Gardener program in 1994 with the soil science session. She now also teaches the EMG program's garden planning session and part of the Vermont Extension Master Composter program. She has conducted inspections for organic certification for the Vermont Organic Farmers since 1998.

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Nancy Knox, Extension Master Gardener

Catherine Street/

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