Ward 6 Npa Meets May 1

Past event
May 1, 2014

The School Budget Dilemma and (Potential) Demise of Ward 6 NPA Steering Committee

The main theme of the Thursday, May 1st Ward 6 NPA meeting will be the predicament surrounding the school budget. We’ll hear from a diverse panel that will include our school board members, Burlington Friends of Education and City Councilors. The panel will be discussing recent challenges related to the school budgeting process, details about the revised school budget to be presented to voters in June, and possible solutions to avoid future budget calamities.

We’ll also hear from our UVM and Champlain College neighbors on issues like the Eagle’s Landing project and buses on Summit Street and get our regular local government update from our City Counselors Karen Paul and Norm Blais.

Finally we’ll discuss the Ward 6 NPA Steering Committee’s future. After our June meeting the Steering Committee will only have two remaining members. The bylaws however require a minimum of three. As we continue to seek other members, a discussion of alternatives (such as possibly merging with Ward 5) seems timely and appropriate. Please bring your ideas and, even better, consider joining the Steering Committee to sustain this informative and vital neighborhood communication forum.

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