Next Sound Immersion!

Past event
Feb 2, 2020, 1:30 to 3 PM

All are welcome to be immersed in the sounds of crystal singing bowls this Sunday from 1:30-3pm at the River Space of Embodied. 7 Main Street, 3rd floor in Montpelier.

Suggested donation is $10-20 though no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Wear comfortable clothing.

Reach out if you have any questions or would like to be added to my email list for future sound immersions.

Halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, the lengthening days and strengthening sunlight become undeniably noticeable. It is a time of change; of quickening; of hope for spring to come.

You are welcome to arrive with any intention--- to just simply show up with curiosity to see what this experience may be for you....and... My invitation is to take this pause and be fully steeped in these sound as a way to welcome in the new light of possibility in whatever places in your body or life you many need. Perhaps this sound can begin to stir the seeds of potential that are lying dormant within you… much like the strengthening light of this time begins to slowly stir the deciduous trees and sleeping seeds that will soon be birthed this spring.

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