Were waiting for the sap to run. Our thermometer read -6 F this morning, but it looks like we'll have perfect sugaring weather by the end of the week, just in time for our Sugar on Snow Parties. Hope to see you there.
Audubon's Sugar on Snow Parties http://vt.audubon.org/events/sugar-snow-parties
Saturday, March 22
Sunday, March 23
Sunday, March 30
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Enjoy sweet sugar on snow, sugaring demonstrations, and a delicious taste of each grade of maple syrup! Tap a tree, collect sap from buckets, and follow the journey from sap to syrup during our sugarbush tours. Bring home a jug or two of pure Vermont maple syrup to support the Green Mountain Audubon Center's education and conservation programs.
Fee: Admission is free. Food and syrup for sale.
Map: http://bit.ly/1kVbEFV Sugar on Snow Parties are generously sponsored by Main Street Landing.
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