Agenda packets are available through the Orange North Supervisory Union or you may contact me at, and I will send what I have.
Williamstown School Board meeting on Wed, Dec 12 beginning at 5pm in the Williamstown Middle/High School. On the agenda: Public high school choice and reports from administration and committees.
Central Vermont Supervisory Union meeting on Wed, Dec 20, beginning at 5:30pm in the Willamsotown Middle/High School. Note that this is the supervisory union that will be replacing Orange North SU and Washington South SU. On the agenda: Superintendent search/hiring and supervisory union budget for FY19.
Central Vermont Unified Union School District (Williamstown/Northfield) meeting will be Wed, Dec 20, beginning at 6:30pm at the Wiliamstown Middle/High School. On the agenda: Renaming the district, student school board members, shared leadership models, and district budget for FY19.
Mar 1, 2025, 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Focaccia Bread Baking WorkshopMar 2, 2025, 2 to 4:30 PM
Middlesex Town Meeting & Town Meeting DinnerMar 4, 2025, 4:30 to 8 PM