Growing Resilience: Date Change, Now Starts Feb 1!

Past event
Mar 1, 2025, 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM

We wanted to let you know that...
We pushed back the start date for our 2025 Growing Resilience Course, and it's the final 10 days to register. There's still time for you to join us!

We have one more Q&A Zoom call: Jan 11th.
We'll do this again each winter/spring, so if you can't make it this time, start planning/budgeting/getting ready for 2026.
We are delighted with the amazing cohort that is forming for this powerful work. We know we're gonna need each other through this next year.

*Eligible for VSAC Advancement Grants
*Sliding scale options
*5 BIPOC Pay-What-You-Wish Spots
Sign up by January 13th!

"As a bodyworker, it is not uncommon for people to access trauma while on the table. Through Abbi and Amanda's course, I have been able to more consciously create a supportive, safe environment for my clients, be more present and grounding when trauma may arise, and have a clearer sense as to when to make the suggestion to schedule time with a trained therapist. Understanding the nervous system with more depth has contributed to a deeper awareness of what I am able to offer people through touch. I feel more connected to and inspired by the work that I am able to offer."

-Hazel Turrone

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The Everything Space, State Street, Montpelier, VT

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