Impeach Trump! Parade Entry

Past event
Jul 3, 2017, 5 to 7 PM

Greetings neighbors!

The July 4th holiday has historically been a time to recognize the patriotism and determination of our forefathers, and those since, for the continued existence of our liberty, freedom, and democracy.

From time to time in our country's history, situations arise that threaten our liberty, freedom and democracy, and require citizens of our great country to rise up, and take action.
I suggest that this time has come again with the illegitimate and corrupt presidency of Donald J Trump.

In this effort, a small group of concerned citizens have decided to walk in this year's Independence Day Parade calling for the impeachment of President Trump. We will be carrying signs, etc., and raising our voices in opposition and contempt of president Trump, his policies, and his deplorable cronies.

WE NEED YOU! For this to be successful requires those who care, and are concerned, to do something.
From walking with us, to spreading the word, to helping with ideas, etc. This is just the beginning.

I look forward to hearing from you!

If not us, who? If not now, when?

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