FPF's Story
Read best-selling author Bill McKibben's take on Front Porch Forum's origins.
December 24, 2018
A story of lost-and-found ended happily when Gary of Montpelier posted on Front Porch Forum looking for his lost car keys. A fast response from Gary's neighbor not only led to the recovery of his car keys, but also to a face-to-face meeting with his neighbor, Jay, who he hadn't met before.
Front Porch Forum's co-founder, Michael Wood-Lewis, joined the Dave Gram Show on WDEV to talk about how FPF serves towns across the state. Listen to Michael, Gary and Dave discuss the story and how Front Porch Forum has helped more than 160,000 households across the state of Vermont.
Read best-selling author Bill McKibben's take on Front Porch Forum's origins.