The White River (Wassabaastekw) NRCD is a local, non-regulatory subdivision of Vermont's state government that provides natural resource conservation support for land stewards in 23 towns throughout the White, Wells, Waits, Ompompanoosuc (Pmômanosek), and Connecticut (Kwenitekw) River Direct Watersheds. We provide agricultural outreach and education throughout our watershed.
We host workshops and events with our Partners, and provide direct technical assistance to agricultural producers, land... show more
The White River (Wassabaastekw) NRCD is a local, non-regulatory subdivision of Vermont's state government that provides natural resource conservation support for land stewards in 23 towns throughout the White, Wells, Waits, Ompompanoosuc (Pmômanosek), and Connecticut (Kwenitekw) River Direct Watersheds. We provide agricultural outreach and education throughout our watershed.
We host workshops and events with our Partners, and provide direct technical assistance to agricultural producers, land stewards, and municipalities throughout the watershed.
The White River NRCD is one of the 14 Natural Resources Conservation Districts in Vermont, established by the 1939 Soil Conservation Act. Our original mission was to help farms combat soil erosion, but we have since grown to assist all resident land stewards improve their environmental stewardship through the implementation of conservation practices and environmental education on a range of natural resource topics.
We are overseen by a publicly elected Board of Supervisors who are residents of our District. If you are interested in becoming a board member, visit our Board Member page.
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