Planning Meeting in Opposition to Bee-Deadly Pesticides

Past event
Sep 20, 2016, 6 to 8 PM

Tomorrow, Tuesday 9/20/16, Robb Kidd of the Sierra Club and Shaina Kasper of the Toxic Action Center will meet with Montpelier residents to plan a way to urge the Montpelier City Council NOT to use the deadly pesticides called NEONICOTINOIDS in our community. These Monsanto/Bayer toxins are banned in Europe as they cause cancer in humans.
Even more importantly, they kill bees in the millions. Last year 40% of U.S. honeybee hives were killed. Wild bees and butterflies are poised on the brink of extinction.
Did you know that bees' pollination accounts for 70% of our food? One out of every three bites you eat is the work of honeybees. Clearly then, killing them off by irresponsible use of highly toxic pesticides not only spells doom for the bees, but for humans. I'm talking about FAMINE. I'm saying NO FOOD.

The meeting will take place tomorrow evening at 43 State St., 2nd floor West, above the Asiana House Restaurant. You can also get there by going through the North Branch Cafe.

For further information call

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