Washington Central Supervisory Union Act 46 Study Committee Update
We invite you to attend an Act 46 Committee meeting at Doty Memorial School, 24 Calais Road, Worcester VT
Wednesday, September 21, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Highlights of last Act 46 Study Committee meeting:
We did not have a quorum at our last meeting, and so were unable to conduct business. We spent the time having an informal conversation with the members of the community who had come to attend the meeting. It was great to be able to have a conversation on the issues that most concern our communities, like consolidating assets and debt of all schools to the Unified District. Though informal, only, it was a serious and helpful conversation. We look forward to seeing more community members at our next meeting.
The meeting AGENDA for Wednesday the 21st will include the following important topics:
• Discussion Agenda:
o Letter sent to the members of the Act 46 Committee from the Berlin Representatives to the Act 46 Committee.
o Articles of Agreement
This conversation will continue to address the different articles necessary to form or establish a new Unified District. For example, we are working to decide whether the current all-five school districts should be “advisable” or “necessary” to establish the Washington Central Unified District. What grades will the District operate? What will be the Unified District Indebtedness? When should we vote to establish the Unified Union? Please come and share your thoughts.
Thank you for attending the meetings and please continue to participate and engage with Committee members by email or phone; we want to hear from you.
Here is a link to the website with more information:
Here is the link to othe video of our last meeting:
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