Come run, bike, or hike up Mount Mansfield in support of the Catamount Trail Association (CTA), caretaker of the Catamount Trail, Vermont’s 300-mile backcountry ski trail ( The North Face Race To The Top Of Vermont, made possible by KL Mountainshop, is on Sunday 8/28 in Stowe, and space is going fast.
Registration includes a top-notch race experience, a tech shirt from The North Face, a delicious post-race BBQ, and a raffle ticket to one of the best raffles around (over $15,000 in prizes). AND, it supports the good work of the Catamount Trail Association and the Vermont Backcountry Alliance ( For more race info and to register visit:
For the younger set: Join us for the Catamount Kids Run for Fun, a .75km or 1.5km untimed mini hill climb designed to introduce youth to lifelong sport of running in a fun and supportive environment. We have a huge cheering section, and all participants get a bib and a medal. Race starts at noon. $10 per child includes commemorative bib, medal, and raffle ticket. Fun run registration:
Rather Volunteer than Race? We could still use some help making this event happen. Sign up to volunteer at
We hope to see you on Mt. Mansfield on the 28th!
Mar 4, 2025, 7 AM to 12 PM
Ash Wednesday Ashes to Go and ServiceMar 5, 2025, 12 to 1 PM
Braintree Selectboard MeetingMar 5, 2025, 6 to 8 PM