Creative Maladjustment Day

Past event
Jul 9, 2016, 10 AM to 11 PM

The Hive Mutual Support Network ( is hosting Creative Maladjustment Day in Brattleboro on July 9th with a show in the evening. Daytime work shops related to the topic of MAD PRIDE will take place during the day followed by a show at Headroom Stages from 7 to 11 pm. Workshops are taking place at the former Monsters and Heroes retail space, across the street from the Boys & Girls Club.

Topics and schedule as follows:

10:00 TBA

11:15 Alternatives to Calling Police - a summary of last weekend's Hive potluck/workshop with an interactive brainstorm/sharing

12:15 Break

1:00 Fight Like Hell And Live: Strategies for Surviving Suicidality and Supporting Friends in Crisis Without Utilizing Psychiatric Services or Police

2:15 Cultural Diversity and Madness

3:30 Fat Pride

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