Grand Isle, known as the beauty spot of Vermont, needs your help on Saturday, May 7th to ensure that our community shimmers and shines throughout 2016. Yup, after hibernating this past winter, it’s time to gather together, flex our muscles and commit to sprucing up our fabulous roads and making our beach a safer place for all to enjoy.
Come and pick up those sturdy lime -colored trash bags and stuff them to the gills. You can grab bags anytime between now and May 6th at the town office or the transfer station or at Donaldson Park on Donaldson Road on Saturday morning May 7th, beginning at 8 a.m. Grand Isle Recreation Committee members will gladly cheer you on and while you are busy collecting trash through the neighborhoods, we will be firing up the grill and preparing some dogs and veggie burgers as a thank you barbeque. Remember bags are available on Saturday at 8 a.m. and the barbeque will be ready around 11 a.m. You are welcome to leave the filled bags on the side of the road or if you wish to bring them back to the park and get some applause, the town truck will be on-site to accept them.
And while you are enjoying the barbeque, sponsored by the Grand Isle Recreation Committee and Grand Isle Select Board, we invite you to check out the Donaldson Park’s new walking trail. Cleared by two retired determined volunteers this past winter, it’s about eight tenths of a mile around. There’s plenty more to be done to make this trail sparkle and we’d love to give you a tour and chat about how you as a community member can assist in furthering its completion by summer’s end.
Let’s go Green, Grand Isle residents. We can do this!!!
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