Where: Burlington Electric Company, 585 Pine Street, Burlington
Date: Saturday, Sept. 28th
Time: 9 AM to 1 PM
Green Mountain Return Peace Corps Volunteers is collecting bikes and sewing machines for “Pedals for Progress” (P4P). P4P is a non-profit organization and since 1991 has shipped over 130,000 bikes to third world countries around the world. We also ask for a donation of $10 per bike to help defray the cost of shipping. As you can imagine, a bike collecting dust in a garage somewhere can be a vital source of transportation for a person in a third world country. A sewing machine collecting dust in a closet somewhere can be a vital source of income for someone in a third world country. Please consider making a tax deductible donation. For more information about “Pedals for Progress” go to www.p4p.org . Any questions call Bob at 881-6629.
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