Essex Art League Event. Come Join Us If You Can!

Mar 6, 2025

Please join The Essex Art League this Thursday, March 6 from 9-11AM at the First Congregational Church in Essex Junction.Our meeting begins with a business meeting, followed by conversation and coffee and this week we will enjoy a brief slideshow from one member's trip to Japan and her visit to the Holbein paint factory in Osaka. After the slide show you will have an opportunity to practice your drawing and painting with EAL friends. Bring your art supplies or use our pencils and paper and enjoy being creative with like-minded artists.

We meet monthly to learn from other artists about art techniques and practices, and to support and encourage each other in our own practices.

Meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month, from September to June, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the First Congregational Church of Essex Junction. League membership includes lively hands-on activities, artist presentations, weekly Plein Air painting sessions, and more.

We welcome any interested artists to join us for community and learning. For more information, visit our website at, or just come to our next meeting!

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