Hi Neighbors, Please see note below from my fellow Steering Committee member Charlie G. Hope to see you there!
Event starts September 26 at 6:30 PM
Hello neighbors. I strongly encourage folks to attend the NPA meeting on Thursday, Sept 26 at 6:30 at the McClure MultiGen/Senior Center (241 N Winooski Ave). For people with no health insurance, or with high deductibles, or with expensive plans- please feel free to attend to listen how you may make your health insurance possible and more affordable.
In addition, we are providing up to 2 hours for a public forum to allow people to express their views on the controversial F35 basing issue. I have recorded many forums on this issue for CCTV and realize that I must extend a special invitation to people who support the basing. For whatever reason, the vast majority of people speaking at the many forums have been people opposed to the basing. It is of course not unusual for people on one side of a controversial issue to dominate discussion. I hope that people in support of the basing feel comfortable in expressing their views at our NPA. Our NPA always strives to present a fair opportunity for people to participate in balanced discussions. Finally, I also strongly encourage people whom have not yet had the chance to publicly express their views to do so regardless of their position. Filming for CCTV and watching yet other programs, I see many repeat speakers. I hope that people who have already spoken more than once in public will wait until later in the hearing to give others a chance. As always, this is a great opportunity for people to practice their pubic speaking skills which can only benefit our community in the future. I thank everyone who takes the time to participate in community activities.
Mar 11, 2025, 10:30 to 11:30 AM
Argentine Tango Classes & PracticeMar 12, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Dragon Boat Info Session: Active Adults Wanted!Mar 13, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM