Dragon Boat Info Session: Active Adults Wanted!

Mar 13, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM

Malia (mahl-YUH!) Racing's dragon boat crews have some open seats!

If you're competitive, coachable, would love to get out on the lake, and are up for a challenge — we'd love to meet you. We're gathering interested folks at the South Burlington Public Library's community room at 6:30p on Thu, 3/13.

In this informal info session (with snacks), you'll meet some of our coaches and members, learn about our club and the sport, watch a heart-pumping race, and see why it's so addictive!

We're especially looking for folks who want to train in our intro program in June and July, then race with us in Springfield, MA in mid-July. (Ideally, you'll have so much fun doing it that you'll stick around for the rest of the summer!) Adults of all ages welcome. No experience required.

Curious? Email manager@maliaracing.com to RSVP for 3/13!

PS: Not competitive? Come anyway and learn about our relaxed recreational program.

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South Burlington Public Library, Market Street, South Burlington, VT

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