Health Insurance Enrollment Event at the Westford Library at 5pm on Thursday, December 17th .
Still need to sign up for a health insurance plan through Vermont Health Connect? Confused about the options and financial subsidies? An experienced health insurance Navigator will be offering a presentation on plan options and decision making at 5pm, followed by guided application and enrollment support from 6-8pm. Visit the CVOEO enrollment event calendar: for additional dates and times. In 2016, the cost of not having coverage may be more than the cost of basic coverage through Vermont Health Connect, due to the availability of cost reductions and the increasing federal tax fee for not being insured. For those currently enrolled in Cobra, Retiree benefits, a Student Health Plan or unaffordable insurance through a job, Open Enrollment is the time to explore whether more affordable options are available. Open Enrollment ends January 31st. Vermonters enrolling between now and January 15th will have a February 1st start date.
Contact the Navigator Program at CVOEO: or 860-1417 x115 for more information about this event or the free in-person health insurance help offered by local Vermont Health Connect-certified Navigators.
Jan 30, 2025, 1:30 to 3 PM
Camel's Hump Indivisible Group - Second MeetingFeb 4, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM
Inclusive Leadership & Building High-Performing TeamsFeb 5, 2025, 4 to 6 PM