Holiday Stroll Schedule Dec. 5

Past event
Dec 5, 2015, 8 AM to 5:30 PM

Vergennes offers a full day of holiday events and festivities this Saturday, December 5. There will be something for everyone, so bundle up and come join in the fun. Here's what you have to look forward to:

8:00-10:30am Breakfast & Crafts with Santa and his elves at VUHS Cafeteria
($7 adults, $5 kids ages 3-12, kids, 3 and under free. VUHS Friends of Music)
9:00-3pm 15th Annual VUES Holiday Craft Fair. Bring an item for the Food Shelf for entry.
9:00-4:00pm Gingerbread House Exhibition and Judging on Main Street next to Luigis. Voting is available all day long.
9:00-2pm Holiday Baskets Silent Auction at the Bixby
10:30am Santa Reads "The Night Before Christmas" at the Bixby
11:00am Jon Gailmor Performance at the Bixby
11:30-1pm Holiday Refreshments at the Bixby
1:00pm Maiden Vermont Performance at the Bixby
11:00-12pm Father Time at the Clock Shop, Green Street (Vergennes Historical Society)

12:00-3pm Santa's Village at the Opera House:
Pictures with Santa
Reading with Mrs. Claus
Drop off your letters to Santa and the Vergennes Police Dept. will get them safely to the Post Office.
Holiday Crafts with Vergennes Job Corp
2:30pm Ugly Sweater Contest. Prizes will include gift cards at Everywear For Everybody and Linda's Apparel and a
Daily Chocolate Gold Bar which may contain a lucky golden ticket, redeemable for some jewelry from Raintree
Vergennes Partnership Commemorative Ornaments for sale.

3-5:30pm Celebration in the Park:
Caroling/Singalong at the Bandstand: (3pm Victory Baptist Church Choir, 4pm The Ambrose Sisters,
4:45 The Sullivan Singers)
Hot Cocoa & Popcorn compliments of the Vermont Army National Guard
Firepits and S'mores
Give a Little to Those in Need: Bring wrapped Toys, drop off Coats, Mittens and Hats or Foodstuffs.
(Vergennes Rescue will be on hand to collect)
4:45pm SD Ireland Lighted Truck comes to Vergennes.
5:30pm Tree Lighting with Mayor Bill Benton

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