VT Community Energy Conference Dec. 5

Past event
Dec 5, 2015, 9 AM to 4:30 PM

As Berlin's Energy Coordinator, I've attended these informative conferences at Lake Morey for many years and would welcome others in Berlin to attend as well. It would be greatly appreciated if you would contact me if you have an interest in helping Berlin move forward with energy conservation measures.
The ​day ​is ​aimed ​at ​inspiring, ​supporting ​and ​growing ​the ​statewide ​network ​of ​town ​energy ​committees ​and ​building ​the ​capacity ​and ​expertise ​of ​any ​Vermonter ​interested ​in ​helping ​the ​state ​meet ​its ​goal ​of ​getting ​90 ​percent ​of ​our ​energy ​in ​2050 ​through ​renewable ​sources. There will be workshops focused on the projects that Vermonters can use to implement innovative efficiency, transportation and renewable energy solutions.
For information and to register visit www.regonline.com. Early discount ends Nov. 22.

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