Dear Neighbors,
Before I get to the Council meeting preview, I’d like to mention one item:
Metered Parking. There has been a great deal of concern over metered parking on residential streets. The draft parking plan in October, on page 64 states:
Parking meters or pay stations may be added to specific areas of the City, including within some RPP areas, which would allow visitors to pay to use excess on-street parking spaces in mixed-use areas or in areas adjacent to recreational, commercial or downtown-transition zones.
As this text states, the plan suggests meters as appropriate in specific situations – adjacent to recreational, commercial or downtown-transition zones. It does not mention low-density residential neighborhoods.
When I went door to door in February, I listened to many residents who are opposed to meters on Ward 6 residential streets. Metering streets in the RL (residential low density area) has never been in the plan. My position does not favor meters on residential streets. As well, and again, the plan does not mention low-density residential neighborhoods.
I believe that Chapin and Nicole have done an outstanding job of listening to many neighbors and incorporating changes to the draft plan appropriately. Due in large part to the response from many neighbors, the commuter parking pilot is off the table and other adjustments have been made.
There is a revised draft of the plan that will be released later today, Friday. The public comment period has been extended to November 24 to accommodate this draft. The revised draft will include language that will hopefully clarify the metering concern.
If you have concerns about the plan or if you want clarification about what the draft plan says or does not say, please reach out to me or directly to Chapin or Nicole. Their email addresses are and
Now, on to the Council meeting preview…
On Monday, the City Council will hold the second of two meetings for the month of November.
The Council will begin its evening at 7pm with our deliberative agenda. We have three items on our deliberative agenda. The first is a resolution to authorize the City to execute a contract to move forward with repairs and improvements to the Municipal Parking Garage Repair project. As anyone who uses the downtown city-owned garages knows, they are in need of repair and improvements. This resolution and the second resolution on our agenda Monday evening, will allow us to use Tax-Increment Financing ( or TIF) funds from our Downtown TIF to move forward with these much-needed structural repairs and improvements.
Our last item addresses the soils that are now sitting on the pavement at the Leddy Arena. The communication from Jesse Bridges, Parks and Recreation Director will be asking the Council to authorize him to execute a contract for bike path soil disposal that will be funded through our Waterfront TIF.
At some point during the evening, we will adjourn our Council meeting to have a brief Council meeting with the Mayor Presiding to appoint a new member of the Library Commission.
Our last items on our agenda are Council committee reports, comments from Councilors and the Mayor.
As with all Council meetings, please keep in mind that you are always welcome to come and speak to the Council on any subject you wish during our Public Forum which begins at 7:30pm. Clickable agenda items can be found on the City's website: All Council meetings are televised live on BT Channel 317 and streamed live to your computer or phone.
As always, I welcome your questions and concerns. Please be in touch over the weekend and on Monday. I will be traveling over the weekend so email will probably be best.
I hope you all enjoy a terrific weekend.
My best,
Feb 22, 2025, 11 AM to 1 PM
Simple Roots Brewing - Partners Cribbage TournamentFeb 22, 2025, 12 PM
Truth and Justice SeriesFeb 25, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM