Truth and justice are the cornerstone of personal character, family relationships, and the foundation of our communities and society. They are essential to constructing values, belief systems, and the principles that guide ethical decision-making and human flourishing. Truth and justice are not abstract ideals; they require discovery, action, and intentionality.
The Truth and Justice Series is a year-long journey that explores the profound importance of truth in confronting our shared history, including the enduring legacy of slavery and systemic injustice, and the urgency of creating justice where it has been absent. The series challenges participants to act boldly in their pursuit of truth and to commit to implementing justice as a practice and a principle in their lives and communities.
Drawing on the timeless vision of a world where the oppressed are freed, the brokenhearted find comfort, and those silenced are heard, this series invites participants from all faiths and traditions to join in an urgent conversation about the central role truth and justice must play in shaping our present and future.
Themes Include:
* The Search for Truth: Understanding the legacy of injustice and its present-day realities.
* The Practice of Justice: Moving from intention to action in addressing injustices where they exist.
* Freedom and Healing: Creating spaces for liberation, restoration, and reconciliation.
* The Role of Community: Building relationships and systems that reflect truth and justice.
* Urgency and Responsibility: Why the pursuit of truth and justice is essential in today's world.
Meeting Schedule:
The Truth and Justice Series will meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month, from 5:30 till 7:00 PM at the Fletcher Free Library. Each session will include thought-provoking discussions, opportunities for reflection, and practical guidance on applying the principles of truth and justice in personal, community, and societal contexts.
Mar 9, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
Champlain Valley Trout Unlimited - Membership RoundupMar 11, 2025, 7 PM
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