Preview of Oct. 26 City Council Meeting

Past event
Oct 26, 2015, 7 to 9:30 PM

Dear Neighbors,

On Monday, the City Council will hold the second of two meetings for the month of October.

The Council will begin its evening with a work session on the downtown and residential parking management plans at 5:45pm downstairs in City Hall in Conference Room 12.

We will move to Contois Auditorium for our City Council meeting at 7pm. We will begin our evening with a communication from Fire Chief Seth Lasker and Dr. Michael Sheeser (a Ward 5 resident) on the Burlington Fire Department Paramedic Program. This will be followed by a six month report from the Board of Health , the annual report from the Burlington Electric Commission and a communication from John Bossange, board member of the Parks Foundation of Burlington. John, a Ward 6 resident and member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, and many others have been working to raise private money for Parks initiatives.

On our deliberative agenda is a report on the Fiscal Stability Bond. This is the bond that we the voters overwhelming approved in 2012 that set us on the course toward renewed fiscal responsibility and restoring our credit rating.

There are two charter changes on our agenda to increase the number of commissioners on the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Police Commission from five to seven members. This is being done to increase diversity and allow for greater inclusion on our commissions.

We have three resolutions on our agenda. The first is to address the issue of housing in the Enterprise Zone in the South End. The resolution “urges at this time that the recommendation to permit housing in the Enterprise Zone in the draft planBTV South End be removed in order to focus on the other recommendations in the draft plan.” The other two resolutions involve reorganizations of two City departments, Burlington Electric Department and the Department of Planning and Zoning.

Following these resolutions we will have an Executive Session regarding an update on legal matters.

Our last items on our agenda are Council committee reports, comments from Councilors and the Mayor.

As with all Council meetings, please keep in mind that you are always welcome to come and speak to the Council on any subject you wish during our Public Forum which begins at 7:30pm. Clickable agenda items can be found on the City's website: All Council meetings are televised live on BT Channel 317 and streamed live to your computer or phone.

As always, I welcome your questions and concerns. I will be travelling this weekend so please email me over the weekend or on Monday.

I hope you all enjoy a terrific weekend.

My best,

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