DPS Seeks Input on VT's Draft Comprehensive Energy PlPS

Past event
Oct 13, 2015, 6 to 8 PM

The Public Service Department recently released a draft of the 2015 Comprehensive Energy Plan (CEP) for public review. Their staff will host a series of 5 public hearings this month to seek reaction and get comments on the draft. The next hearing will be held in Essex:

Tuesday, Oct. 13: Essex High School, cafeteria
The hearing will run from 6-8 pm and light refreshments will be served.

The CEP draft reaffirms Vermont’s goal of meeting 90 percent of the state’s energy needs through renewable sources by 2050 and provides additional details on how to achieve the goal.

"The public hearings are a good opportunity for Vermonters who care about an efficient and clean energy future to weigh in," said Vermont Natural Resource Council’s Energy and Climate Program Director Johanna Miller. "Putting a price on carbon – something VNRC supports – is just one strategy that can help us strengthen the economy and move toward a cleaner energy future."

For more info, and to find a comment form, visit the CEP project website, http://energyplan.vt.gov.
Comments will be accepted until Nov. 9.

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