SHHS Annual Meeting Oct. 23

Past event
Oct 23, 2015, 7 PM

At Folsom Education and Community Center

Boo! The SHHS will host its last meeting of 2015 on Friday, Oct. 23rd at 7PM in the upstairs classroom at Folsom School titled "Pranks Around Town: A Celebration of Past Halloweens in South Hero.” This will be a fun night for both kids and adults. Everyone is invited to dress up in Halloween costumes and be mystified by the other-wordly community members who will be describing some of the legendary "all in fun" pranks that occurred in the past, telling a personal favorite spooky story or be sharing a past remembrance of some of the creepiest haunted houses, dungeons, backyards and forests that existed in town. Do you remember the very rude but funny giant pumpkin sitting on the balcony window at the South Hero Inn in the 1970's that tossed taunting remarks at Trick-or-Treaters as they passed below on the street?
This is also the “Annual Meeting” and there will be a short meeting to vote for the new slate of officers. Please email Anne Quinn at if you wish to be considered for an office or have a recommendation for us. This is also the time to pay membership dues of $10.00 which support our monthly programs. Please bring the form that was sent to you in the mail or pick up one at the meeting. Thank you so much.

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