Waitsfield Citizens for Change

Past event
Sep 24, 2015

The WCC will meet as usual tonight at 6:00 at the Valley Professional Center. Following is a recent letter to the Waitsfield Selectboard.

The Waitsfield Citizens for Change was founded by several Waitsfied voters who came together as a result of the bank issue. Many people in town felt unheard and angry when it appeared to them that using the bank was a sensible solution to increasing spending in town. As a result, resignation, resentment and voter apathy are common now.

The WCC is a platform for voter opinion going forward. With that in mind and in light of all the necessary spending for long over overdue projects now going on, we believe that a re-think of the pocket park project could restore an appreciation of the hard work that all of you do for us and might result in more collaborative efforts like the Brick Project. Of course the plan as envisioned would improve our local coastline but is it really necessary to spend nearly $180,000 to accomplish the same effect when a little grass, a couple of benches and umbrellas would be fine? They might even be donated. Please think about it. And thank you.

Larry Corthell
Neil Johnson
Chessie Stevenson

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