MMMUSD/CESU Board Meeting Sept. 21

Past event
Sep 21, 2015

The next Mount Mansfield Modified Union School Board Meeting will be held on Monday September 21 at 6:30 PM at Smilie Elementary in Bolton. A tour of the facilities will begin at 6:00. We plan to set a board calendar with meeting dates, locations, and anticipated discussion topics for the school year. The board intends to rotate meetings throughout the district and to visit every school building at least once. We will receive regular committee and superintendent reports, discuss board communication, strategic planning, and plan dates for our Policy Governance work.

The Board held two meetings and a retreat in August, mostly to discuss "board operations" -- how we run our meetings, our roles and responsibilities, what work belongs with the board and what belongs to the Superintendent. We decided to temporarily operate in a manner similar to the "old" Mount Mansfield Board while we investigate a paradigm called Policy Governance. In the Policy Governance framework, almost all decisions would be guided by policies we would create, including "ends" (goals), governance process, and executive limitations. It would include a calendar of "monitoring reports" where board and district "compliance" would regularly be assessed. We plan to continue our exploration of Policy Governance, and may adopt this framework in whole or simply apply what we learn to a more traditional governance model.

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