A Fleeting Animal: A Vermont Opera for These Times by composer Erik Nielsen and librettist David Budbill will be the topic of a discussion to be held at Pierson Library in Shelburne on Wednesday, August 26 at 3:00 pm. The address of the library is 5376 Shelburne Road, located in Shelburne village at the town center. The number is (802) 985-5124. The lecture is sponsored by the Chittenden County Opera Lovers and the Pierson Library.
The composer will discuss the genesis of his collaboration with poet David Budbill in writing A Fleeting Animal: An Opera From Judevine. He will play excerpts from the production first presented fifteen years ago, with its earthy characters and libretto and music inspired by French Canadian fiddle tunes, the blues, jazz, and other contemporary styles. Expect a lively and informative talk and ask your questions about this upcoming dramatic and powerful work.
A Fleeting Animal will be presented on Saturday, September 12 at 7:30 pm at the Elley-Long Center at St. Michael’s College and on Saturday, September 19 at 7:30 pm at the Vergennes Opera House. Four other performances will take place at Barre (Barre Opera House), Hardwick (Hardwick Town Hall), Woodstock (Woodstock Town Hall Theater) and Randolph (Chandler Center). Tickets for all performances may be purchased at the Barre Opera House,www.barreoperahouse.org; Barre Opera House Box Office: 802-476-8188 for those without web access.
For more information, go to www.afleetinganimal.com
PS Shelburne's own Geoffrey Penar is in the cast! - a mother's shamelss plug.
Feb 2, 2025, 4:30 to 5:30 PM
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