Farm Camp Day June 19

Past event
Jun 19, 2015

Hola Amigos
I have to say that was a pleasure to go today with you kids to the Museum! I am amazed by their fascination and happiness! I love this age! And I wanted to pass along this info!. If you know a friend or someone on the community that loves the outdoors and will like their kids enjoy Nature. Please Share! We still have a couple of places!

We are offering a farm camp day this Friday June 19th at the Farm in Warren VT

I hope that you are well


Outside walking, meditation, dance, Spanish, goat milking, cheese making and more.
We will enjoy nature and learn to appreciate animals and the garden!

I have a couple of spots still!

We will do some of this activities:

Go to the river.
Milk the goats
Do Nature walks
Feed the baby goats
Play games
Learn some Spanish greeting songs.
Make Cookies
Make empanadas
Read books under a tree
Plant a seed
Make a fire!
Look for rocks!

Please let us know and I will send you the registration form.

Constancia, Kevin, Lucia, the goats, Despacio( The turtle) and Gallo( The Dog)

Constancia Gomez
More info 802 917 1776
Spanish & Latin Dance teacher
CVU School Hinesburg
Access Program Instructor

Pacem School
Spanish Teacher

Fletcher Free Library
Spanish program teacher

Waitsfield Children Center
Spanish teacher

Kellog Free Library
Spanish hour teacher

Middelburry Library
Spanish hour teacher

Williston Library
Spanish hour instructor
Cel 802 917 1776 BA 5453 2071

If you will like to support small farming please learn about our La Lu farm

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