Harvest Market Parade

Past event
Sep 28, 2013, 9 to 9:30 AM

Don't Let the Harvest Market Parade Pass you By Saturday Sept 28 9 AM ! Organize your friends and family and march in the parade. Line up at Saturday Sept 28, 2013 8:40 at Brown's River Middle School parking lot (line up is in the bus lanes- starting with Fife and Drum Corps, Harvest Market banner, Honorary Citizen and Parade Marshall's in old cars, from this point I will fill you in around the music of the MMU marching band and Vermont Youth Dancers, ending with the Fire Dept.). Parade starts at the school at 9 AM, proceeds down River Rd, to Park Street and ends just before Rte 15 at the Harvest Market! So please come share your group, organization or friends! Contact Julianne Nickerson if you have questions, 899-3798. Join us one and all for the annual Harvest Market Parade!

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