At the June 1 City Council meeting, the Council will be considering the Mayor's proposed Interim Operating Agreement with a subsidiary of Uber Technologies, Inc. which lays out the conditions under which drivers who "partner" with Uber would be allowed to provide rides in the City legally. Right now, these drivers are not authorized to provide rides, and the City has issued a modest number of tickets to Uber drivers in the past 8 months. The owners of taxi companies feel that Uber drivers should operate under the same taxi ordinance that they operate under, and they are concerned that this operating agreement would create an uneven playing field.
I would love to hear from constituents -- either on Front Porch Forum or to me at or 598-1584 -- about your experience with both Uber drivers and taxis. Do you use one or the other? Do you use both? Neither? I am particularly interested to hear about the relative cost, reliability, and perceived safety of your rides. Your advice and input is greatly appreciated.
The City Council must approve this interim operating agreement. I have suggested, as laid out in the resolution, that the Interim Operating Agreement be referred to the License and Ordinance Committees, meeting jointly. These are Councilors Mason (who would chair), Ayres, Bushor, Tracy, and Roof. I have a high level of confidence in my colleagues' ability to carefully assess the proposed Interim Agreement. I am sure they will also be interested in hearing from the public. They have been asked to report back by the end of June.
Jan 29, 2025, 3:30 to 4:30 PM
Cabin Fever Book SaleFeb 1, 10 AM to 5 PM, Feb 2, 2025
Disability Support Group at Pathways Community CenterFeb 3, 2025, 1:15 to 2:15 PM