Curious about composting? Save the date: Monday, June 8th!
The Isle La Motte Community Association, in partnership with the Northwest Vt. Solid Waste Management District (NWSWD), presents:
Introduction to Home Composting: June 8th, 6:30pm-8:00pm at Isle La Motte Elementary School
Presented by Aaron Shepard of NWSWD and UVM Extension Master Composter. Turn your yard and food waste into compost and learn how Vermont’s new solid waste law, Act 148 (the Universal Recycling Law), helps our state’s residents and businesses better manage the impact their waste has on Vermont. Learn what composting is, why it's important, how it works, and the various methods of composting in order to help you determine which is best suited to your individual needs.
Kitchen food scrap containers and compost bins will be available for purchase ($5 and $45, respectively—cash or check only).
This class is free and open to the public.
For questions please contact Aaron Shepard (NWSWD) at 524.5986 or
We sell inexpensive bin and tumbler composters at NWSWD drop-off locations. Contact us for more info!
Our tumbler composters are made by Jack’s Composters in North Hero. Contact Jack’s at 372.8375 or to buy direct.
For more info on waste, recycling, and composting: / 524.5986 /
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