5th Annual Students for Scholarship

Past event
Jun 11, 2015, 6 to 8:30 PM

The guitar students of Bob Warren are excited to perform and host the 5th annual Students for Scholarship, to be held on June 11th, 2015 at the Greenwich Elementary School. This annual concert has raised more than $1000 for local graduating seniors. ALL proceeds from this event go to a scholarship fund for a graduating senior, every dollar goes right back to a student in our community.

Each year we have a bake sale to raise additional money for the scholarships, and we are pleased to announce that this year’s concert will be our best yet! We are hoping to set up additional scholarships at Cambridge Cental School. This means that we will sponsor 4 scholarships for graduating seniors, one at each Greenwich High School, Schuylerville High School, Argyle High School and if we can raise enough money this year, Cambridge High School.

We need our community support, your support. Please consider a donation for our event. We are looking for bake sale items, paper goods, coffee, water and items for our baskets to be auctioned off. Our baskets are: Wine and Chocolate, Summer Fun, Gardening, Music and Lotto. This is a great opportunity to help support our local schools and graduates, showing our local community your support and potentially getting their support in return.

If you would like to make a donation please contact Jennifer Ballard at 638-5481.
Thank you for helping us to reach our goals, and thank you very much for your donation and support.

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