Free Workshop at Jericho Town Library...

Past event
May 18, 2015

with a Payoff for You!...
Monday May 18th 6:30pm FREE WORKSHOP “Unlock Your Creative Genius, and get paid for it!” Workshop with Rosine Kushnick, MFA, Healing and Creativity Catalyst.

· Do you feel lost and you crave clarity on what to do with your gifts and talents, yet you don’t know where to turn?
· Do you know there is more to you and what you can do and offer, and yet, you are stuck in the same old rut?
· Are you ready to take your artistic career to the next level, but just don’t know how?

Then please join us for the “Unlock your Creative Genius, and get paid for it” -Workshop, so you can get unstuck and enjoy the fulfillment and success that comes with expressing your authentic self.

In this workshop, you will learn:
· How to break the myth of competition.
· How to access inner clarity so you can navigate how your artistic self wants to express.
· How to move from living out of a paradigm of fear into on of curiosity.

Please email to RSVP
For more info, please visit: Http://

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