Public Meeting in Cabot

Past event
Apr 6, 2015, 7 to 9 PM

Route 15 Walden Bridge Project Detour Information

VTrans has drafted a Q/A Detour Information Sheet. A sampling of the information provided in the Q/A Detour Information Sheet is as follows:

When and how long is the bridge closure period?

The current schedule shows the bridge closure period beginning on June 22nd and remaining in effect for the following 28 consecutive days.

Route 215 is a Class II highway, not a State road. Can it be used as a detour for a State bridge project?

Yes. Route 215 can be used as a detour route for a State project. Vermont State Statutes allow VTrans to detour traffic on a town highway. However, VTrans is responsible for repairing any damage to the town highway caused by the detoured traffic.

For more information about the planned detour, visit the Q/A Detour Information Sheet at

Also, there will be a public meeting on April 6 at 7 PM in Cabot at the Willey Building if you want more information.

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