Free Apple Tree Pruning Workshop April 11

Past event
Apr 11, 2015, 8:30 AM to 12 PM

There will be a free Apple Tree Pruning workshop on McCarty Road in Berlin on Saturday April 11th from 8:30 until noon. It will be a hands on demonstration and workshop so bring your tools (and maybe snowshoes) and learn about pruning apple trees for heath and fruit production. The workshop will be led by Dave Wilcox, State Lands Forester and John Buck, Wildlife Biologist with the VT Fish and Wildlife Department. Sponsored by Vermont Woodlands Association, VT Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, and VT Department of Fish and Wildlife. Directions: Take Chandler Road .75 miles south from Rt 12, then go right up West Hill Rd .75 miles, then turn left onto McCarty Rd. Follow it to the end and park. For information email

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