Out of the Darkness Community Walk
Help Us Create A World Without Suicide
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Springfield Walking Path, Springfield, VT
Check In/ Registration Time: 9:30 am
Walk: 10 am to 1 pm
For More Information, please contact:
Heather Jarvis 802- 296-1989 or hthrjrvs2008@yahoo.com
Judy Jarvis 802-263-5549 or judith_jarvisusa@yahoo.com
Online registration closes at noon (local time) the Friday before the walk.
However, anyone who would like to participate can register in person at the walk from the time check-in begins until the walk starts.
Walk donations are accepted until December 31, 2015.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
When you walk in the Out of the Darkness Walks, you join the effort with hundreds of thousands of people to raise awareness and funds that allow AFSP to invest in new research, create educational programs, advocate for public policy, and support survivors of suicide loss.
As the leader in the fight against suicide, and thanks to walkers like you from cities across the country, AFSP has been able to set a goal to reduce the annual suicide rate 20% by 2025.
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