Rural Zoning - Final Public Hearing

Past event
Sep 9, 2013, 7:30 PM

The Selectboard's final public hearing on the long time in coming Rural Zoning proposal will be held at 7:30pm at the Hinesburg Town Office on Monday, September 9. For all the details on the proposal, see the Town website at There's a link to the Rural Zoning page right from the Town's home page.

Got a question about the process? Want a quick 5-minute overview from a person rather than a website? If so, please contact me! The Selectboard cannot make any further changes to the proposal; however, this required public hearing is an opportunity for folks to give feedback before the Board takes any action. The Selectboard may take action to approve or reject the proposal at this meeting - i.e., after the close of the public hearing.

Alex Weinhagen
Director of Planning & Zoning, Town of Hinesburg - Planning/Zoning page
802-482-2281 ext. 225
10632 Route 116, Hinesburg, VT 05461

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