You're Invited to Cut Shoes for Sole Hope

Past event
Mar 8, 2015, 10:30 AM to 12 PM

Invitation to the Community to Serve for people of all ages who want to make a difference in the community by getting involved and realizing the satisfaction that comes with being a volunteer.
Sunday March 8th 1030 am-1200 noon at the Shrewsbury Community Church (the Center Church & Town Hall) the community is invited to participate in a new alternative service. This is different than a traditional worship service. We will watch a short movie explaining our mission and we will be cutting out shoe pieces for Sole Hope. The pieces will be sent to NC and eventually to Uganda. Shoemakers will make them into shoes, which help keep children jigger-free and give them freedom from foot related diseases. Shoemakers will be paid a livable wage and children will receive much needed medical care before they are given their pair of shoes. We can make a difference!

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